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BF2CM Gift Card WINNER!!

I want to say THANK YOU to everyone who entered the giveaway. I really enjoyed reading the comments and your favorite memories. I wish I could give a prize to everyone, but that’s just not possible.  For now, it’s time to announce the winner of this giveaway.

The winner is….


Congrats Kylie!!  I’ll be e-mailing you the code to your gift card in just a few minutes.

Again, thank you ALL for joining in my giveaway!!

I hope that you all will come back to see what I’m doing or sign-up for my newsletter.  Hopefully I’ll see some of you around TPT and if you’re interested, please check out The Treasured Schoolhouse!!





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BF2CM Gift Card Giveaway

Are you ready to win a $10 gift card for TPT?? If so, enter my giveaway with 4 chances to win!!


This giveaway will run until midnight 28 November and you have 4 chances to win.  All you have to do is enter the Rafflecopter below.  The ways to win are…..

  1. Follow me on Twitter
  2. Tweet about your favorite product in my store
  3. Visit The Treasured Schoolhouse on Facebook
  4. Leave a comment on this post about your favorite Thanksgiving or Christmas memory

That’s it!!  Now, just enter to win the $10 gift card….

[cjtoolbox name=’TPT $10 Gift Card’]

Good luck!!  The winner will be announced as soon as the giveaway ends and the gift card will be e-mailed within an hour of the winner being announced.






P.S.  Please be sure that I have your e-mail address (either in the Rafflecopter or in a comment) so that I can mail the winner their $10 gift card to TPT!!

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Black Friday to Cyber Monday

It’s time for a sale and it goes from Black Friday to Cyber Monday….and beyond!!


Every item in every store or shop will be on sale for this event.  Each of them will be a little different, so please keep reading to check out the deals that you’ll find during this celebration.

EduCents:  15% off from 23-29 November with an extra 15% off with code EDUCENTS15.

The Treasured Schoolhouse Shop:  25% off from 24 to 29 November with code BF2CM on orders over $3.  Also, my Advent materials are 25% off with code ADVENT25 until 27 November (and that might get extended).

Teachers Notebook:  15% off 25-26 & 30 November and 20% off from 27-29 November with an extra 10% off with code CYBER161.

Teachers Pay Teachers:  10% off on 25 November and 15% off on 26-27 & 30 November.  Get 20% off 28-29 November with an extra 10% off with code CYBER2016.

Etsy:  15% off from 25-29 November (with no code needed).

Syllabuy:  15% off from 25-29 November.

The Ministry Market:  15% with code 4UJPCSYV from 25-29 November.

If you’re interested in shopping any of these sales, just click on the store link name and it’ll take you there!!  Also, please be sure to check back as I may update or extend some of these offers.  I hope that you can find something for all your holiday needs….and beyond!!

Happy Shopping and Happy Holidays!!





NOTE:  Most sale times are EST and they start/end at midnight.