I meant to get this posted last night, but time just slipped right away. There’s still plenty of time to use it though on Hallow’s Eve or on All Saints Day!!

I have to say that this paper craft was a huge hit with my kids!! They simply colored the 2 clouds, then they each picked out 4 saints to color. The clouds are slightly overlapped and glued together and then the saints glued to the large cloud. After that, we decorated them with cotton puffs and glitter!!
There’s a sample on my Instagram if you click here. You’ll notice that the sample, we glued to a piece of construction paper. If you don’t glue on construction paper, print the clouds on cardstock and the saints on regular paper.
If you’re interested in this craft, click here to….

This idea originated from 3 ideas that I found on the internet. Credit is given for each of them in the document.
If you use any or all of these freebies, please leave me a comment. I love to read your comments and input….and know how you use them. I truly create by the feedback that I get!!
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