I wanted to give everyone an update on what’s happening around The Treasured Schoolhouse. I know I keep disappearing, but there’s a lot happening behind the scenes. Well, and then there’s just life!!
I’ve been trying to make some changes around here that would be good for you and for me. I want things to be easy for you all to access and for me to make it available to you. I love being able to get my materials out there and I’ve been feeling a bit restricted in doing that.
First and foremost, I’ve been getting resources uploaded to my Shop. I’m finally at 50+ items. I still have a long way to go, but there’s finally a variety in there and now it can continue to grow. If you haven’t done so yet, please click here to check out the Shop. Remember, I take requests so if there’s anything that you need, just let me know.
I’ve set up an affiliate program for the Shop. If you have a blog or site, you can earn money by linking to my Shop. If you’re interested, just click on the “Shop Affiliates” tab to learn more. In short, if you link to my shop by posting a text link, logo, or banner on your blog or site, you can earn 25% from every sale made from people clicking on it (if they make a purchase). What a way to make a little extra money!! This tab may eventually move, but it’ll always be available, so just look in the page menu for it if you don’t see it immediately.
I’m also trying to trim line the blog a little bit. I was starting to feel it was cluttered and hard to navigate. I’ve gotten rid of several things and moved a couple others. I will continue to work on this so that it’s easier for you to find your way around The Treasured Schoolhouse.
I haven’t forgotten about the Subscriber Freebie either. I just completed it, although it felt like I was never going to get done. Although I’d love to give you one a month, I know that’s just not going to be possible. I will offer as many as I can though. So, keep an eye out for the new Subscriber Freebie to be posted. Remember, the only way that you can get access to this is by subscribing to the newsletter. It only comes out when there’s a new blog post, so you won’t be receiving a ton of e-mails!!
Another thing that I’ve done is gone through and made notes of items that were listed in blog posts and added an “Add to Cart” button if it’s listed in the Shop. If it’s not in the Shop yet, I made a note for myself and added it to my “to do” list to fix up the resource and try to get it listed in the Shop. That way, you’ll no longer have to look around for those materials.
I’m also trying to work on my social media game. If you don’t follow The Treasured Schoolhouse on social media, you should!! I try to fit in a little personal, along with a little work. I also am working on offering a freebie here or there for followers on social media and that will be the only way to get it….and it’ll be for a limited time. All my social media icons are in the right hand column, so follow me on one….or all of them….or just your favorite!!

So as you can tell, there has been quite a bit going on behind the scenes. Not all of it is visible, but it’s a growing process. I hope that all these changes are things that you will enjoy as you read my blog and visit the Shop. We can grow and change together!!

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