I don’t know how much you’ve been paying attention to The Treasured Schoolhouse, but it was down for a bit. My contract was up with my host, so I transferred to a new one. In the process, I lost everything!
With the help of my new host, we’ve managed to restore just about everything. There are still many gaps in the site that I’m working on little by little. If you notice things amiss, fear not, we’re in maintenance mode! You may find downloads not working or images that aren’t visible….or other glitches like that. Hopefully they’ll all be back to normal soon. Please remember though that if a post/download is marked as “expired” it can be found in my shop or stores. If a post/download is marked as “discontinued” it is no longer available.
Where the most work needs to be done is with orders that customers have made from the Shop. The orders are there, but the downloads are missing. This is at the top of my list to get fixed. If you have any issues, please contact me and I’ll get to work on it immediately. Also, the “Subscribers Only” page is down. That is also a top priority to get the site up and properly running.
I do appreciate everyone’s patience through this. I don’t have a timeline for completion, but I’m working hard and doing it on my own. For most of you, this really isn’t going to change things at all. For others, you may see glitches here or there, but we should be in good form and ready to go!