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Black Friday to Cyber Monday

It’s time for a sale and it goes from Black Friday to Cyber Monday….and beyond!!


Every item in every store or shop will be on sale for this event.  Each of them will be a little different, so please keep reading to check out the deals that you’ll find during this celebration.

EduCents:  15% off from 23-29 November with an extra 15% off with code EDUCENTS15.

The Treasured Schoolhouse Shop:  25% off from 24 to 29 November with code BF2CM on orders over $3.  Also, my Advent materials are 25% off with code ADVENT25 until 27 November (and that might get extended).

Teachers Notebook:  15% off 25-26 & 30 November and 20% off from 27-29 November with an extra 10% off with code CYBER161.

Teachers Pay Teachers:  10% off on 25 November and 15% off on 26-27 & 30 November.  Get 20% off 28-29 November with an extra 10% off with code CYBER2016.

Etsy:  15% off from 25-29 November (with no code needed).

Syllabuy:  15% off from 25-29 November.

The Ministry Market:  15% with code 4UJPCSYV from 25-29 November.

If you’re interested in shopping any of these sales, just click on the store link name and it’ll take you there!!  Also, please be sure to check back as I may update or extend some of these offers.  I hope that you can find something for all your holiday needs….and beyond!!

Happy Shopping and Happy Holidays!!





NOTE:  Most sale times are EST and they start/end at midnight.

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Last night was the first night back to class. I was excited to meet my new kiddos and get back to religious education.

I always start with creation because well, that’s where we  started.  So much time is spent on rules, what’s expected, homework, prayers, and so on, that the lesson needs to be fairly simple.  I break creation down over a couple of lessons and classes.  Yesterday, I read the story of creation to them from the Bible.  I stop after each day to review what was created that day.

Then, we did a cut & paste worksheet that I made for class.  It’s a mat that has each day and what was created on it.  So they start off by coloring what was created each day.

Lots of colors and no scribbling!

Next, we cut out all the different days.

Good scissors skills!

Then, we glued them onto the mat and placed them in their boxes.

We love our glue sponges!
Glue them into their proper days!

Here’s the final project!!

All done!
So happy with our first project!


The kids had a blast!!  I have a freebie for you, so that your kids can have a blast as well.  If you click on the image below, you can download the simple color version of this project.  I hope that the kids enjoy!!

Also, this project is available for purchase in my shop.  It’s available in color and black & white, plus it has a little bit “fancier” borders on the mat.  If you’re interested in purchasing this creation activity worksheet, please just click here to view this exclusive item or just click below to add it to your cart.

NOTE:  This is the Catholic version based on the New American Standard (Revised Edition).  This is the Bible that I use in my classroom….





NOTE:  This post contains affiliate links and if you click on any of them and make a purchase, I will make a small commission.

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The August Bundle

I know that some of you have to love fonts as much as I do!!  Well, if you do, The August Bundle is now available at The Hungry JPEG.
August Bundle - 1

This bundle is packed with lots of goodies and it’s only $29.  It’s available until the end of August, so it is a limited time deal.  Oh, and you can get 10% off if you Tweet about it!!

Here’s just some of what’s included in The August Bundle….

August Bundle - 2

If you want to check out The August Bundle….or any of the other great fonts, graphics, photos, and more at The Hungry JPEG, just click here.





NOTE:  This post contains affiliate links and if you click on any of them and make a purchase, I will make a small commission.

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Back to School Sale!

Not only am I having a giveaway for a $10 gift card to TPT, with a chance to win an additional $5 gift card to Teachers Pay Teachers, but I’m having a sale!!

sale_740_400 blog

Everything in my TPT store will be on sale for 20% off from 31 July to 3 August. It’s the perfect time to find some great deals!! Not only are there great deals in my store, but there’s a coupon code for an additional 10% off. That makes the total savings of 28% off!! Just enter code: BestYear at the checkout.

Just click the banner above to be taken to The Treasured Schoolhouse on TPT to find your deals now!!

Not only am I having a sale on TPT, but I’m also offering a coupon for 20% off my shop at Etsy and here at my blog shop.  To keep things simple, just use code BESTYEAR at checkout at both of those shops to get your savings at those locations.  Oh, and this coupon code is good until 6 August at both locations!!  You can find The Treasured Schoolhouse at….



Thank you for taking the time to read and follow along, and….

Happy Shopping!!



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Back 2 School Giveaway

Are you ready for back to school?? I know I’m not, but I’m trying to get there. To help you all get ready, I’m having a giveaway for a $10 gift certificate/gift card to use on Teachers Pay Teachers.

TPT Gift Certificate

All that you have to do to enter this giveaway is to choose 1 or all 3 of these methods….

  1. Follow my blog by signing up in the right hand column to receive my newsletter.
  2. Follow my Facebook page.
  3. Follow me on Twitter.

Remember, you can choose 1 or all 3 methods to enter this giveaway.  After you enter the Rafflecopter below, leave me a comment with your name and how many methods that you used to enter the giveaway.  I’ll then enter your name that many times in an additional drawing for an additional $5 gift card from TPT!!

Yes, that’s right, you have a chance to win a total of $15 to use toward future TPT purchases!!  So, enter the Rafflecopter below to win a $10 gift card and leave a comment below for a chance to win an additional $5 gift card!!

Oh, and just so you don’t procrastinate too long, this giveaway ends at midnight on 1 August and I will announce the winner with a blog post.

[cjtoolbox name=’TpT Gift Card’]


Good luck!!




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Celebrate Independence SALE!

I know, I’ve basically been AWOL for almost a month.  I had a very busy June with my daughter’s graduation party and my parents 50th anniversary party.  So much to do with so little time, but it was all worth it and I’m back now!!



To celebrate Independence Day, I’m throwing a sale in my stores and shops for educators all over the world.  Now’s the time to shop to start getting ready for next year or finish this year and you can do that with 10% off in ALL my stores!!  Please just click on the links below to shop at your favorite The Treasured Schoolhouse location….

Teachers Pay Teachers

Teachers Notebook

The Ministry Market  (Use coupon code U7BM0896)



Etsy  (Use coupon code 4INDEPENDENCE)


Happy Shopping!!






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Currently: May 2016

It’s time for this month’s Currently!! Unfortunately, the wonderful teacher-lady that hosts this linky (Farley) says that this will be the last one. She’s ready to move onto other things and I fully understand that. I’m surely going to miss it though and it sort of makes me sad because I haven’t missed any of these since I found the linky.

With that said, here’s my Currently for May….

Currently - May2016

If you’re interested in what others are doing Currently, visit….

What are you doing “Currently”??




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Currently: April 2016

I’m finally back!! It’s still early in April and I’ve been as busy as can be. I guess you can call me a “busy bee” since it’s Spring and I’m constantly buzzing around!!

It’s time for “Currently”, so here’s my version for April….

Currently - April 20161

If you’re interested in what others are doing “Currently”, visit….

See you all buzzing around The Treasured Schoolhouse!!  🙂


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Hello to My New World!

It was time for change and improvements, so here it is!!  This is my new blog and this is where you can find me from now on.  You’ll find everything that you used to find at The Schoolhouse, but now it’s here and it’s called The Treasured Schoolhouse.  

The main upgrade or change was that I’m no hosting on my own domain.  No more down time or other issues!!  I didn’t even change the design of the blog so that everyone can still recognize it.  Besides, I like the simple design.

I don’t have a blog button yet, but it’s being made for me now.  It’ll be here soon!!  I’m excited about all the changes and the possible growth.  

I hope that you enjoy the changes as well and like what you see.  Thanks for visiting!!



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Currently: March 2016

It’s time for March’s Currently and here’s mine….

Currently March16 - TheSchoolhouse
What is your Currently??

If you’d like to join in or see what others are doing Currently, just visit….



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Currently: February 2016

It’s time for the next monthly installment of Currently!! I know it should be all about l-o-v-e, but I’ve just been so busy. Well, I do love what I’ve been busy with!! Here’s the February edition of my Currently….

Currently Feb16 - TheSchoolhouse

What is your Currently??

If you’d like to join in or see what others are doing Currently, just visit….



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New Year’s Resolutions

I’m excited to join in this link up….

New Year's Resolutions Banner

I don’t typically make resolutions.  I just don’t do it and for the most part, I don’t follow through.  I’m pretty good at setting goals though and working toward them.  So, when I saw this linky, I was looking forward to joining up because I know these are a few of the things that I know I need to work on.  My favorite saying and what keeps me striving for more and knowing that making mistakes is alright (and I hope that those around me “get it”)….

Work in Progress 10

With that said, here’s my “resolutions” for 2016….

New Years Resolutions LINKY

If you’re interested in seeing other resolutions or even linking up, just visit here….


or here…..


I hope that you all have a very Happy and Blessed New Year and that your “work in progress” continues to grow and learn….and you thrive in 2016!!