Hello all and a very Happy 2020 to you all! It has already been a busy new year for me….and I’m sure for many of you as well.
I want to start by talking about the bushfires in Australia. As you probably know, much of the land has been burned and many animals have been lost, not to mention the loss of life and homes. I want to do something to help the people of Australia.
For the month of January, for my resources with #austeacherBFR, the sales will be donated to Australia. The charity that I’ve chosen is Vinnies Bushfire Appeal. You can read more about them if you click here. I currently only have 2 resources as part of this fundraiser, but plan to add 1 more, if not 2 more. Again, all sales with #austeacherBFR will be donated to charity. If you’re not interested on those materials, I’d be happy to swap another resource that you do want to purchase and donate the sale from that. You can also search that hashtag on TpT to find all the resources that other teachers have for sale and are using to donate to their chosen Australian charity.
Thank you for considering helping me support this charity to help the people of Australia!
I hope that you all have a wonderful new year and are blessed!