Hello all!
I just want to give you some updates about what’s been going on. Since I posted that I was updating some of the FREEbie resources on the site, I’ve been busy scouring to find the original documents. The first day, I was able to do quite a few and I posted those updates below the post.
I’ve gone through the site and I’ve added “image not available” to many of the posts because I wasn’t able to easily find the original pictures or replace them with something similar. I’m not done though, as I have other back-up drives that I can dig out. It’s just going to be a timely process. Obviously, I haven’t found all my original files either.
Just a reminder that some of the resources are no longer on the blog as I’ve removed them and added them to my store. Not all of them, of course. Hopefully when I’m done with this, you’ll still have a great choice of FREEbies.
One thing that I want to do is try to find some balance with what I offer. Right now, I tend to add whatever extra FREEbies that I have to the Resource Library that is just for my newsletter subscribers. That said, there’s not even as many in there as I’d like there to be. So that’s where my balance comes in….adding some to the site and some to the Library.
With all that said, I do come bearing gifts. This is an old file that I found and the best that I could tell, I haven’t shared it anyplace (except maybe my old Y!Group). I left the original date on it, but I did update it and make it “prettier” so that I could share it with you. My, I’ve come a long way in creating resources! HAHA This FREEbie is a simple set of concentration or memory match cards for Communion. It’s various images of the Body of Christ. I hope that you can use and enjoy this little game. Oh, did I mention that it has a storage box for the cards too? If you’d like to download it, just….
I won’t always be able to post that I’ve updated something, so if you’re looking for something in particular just keep an eye on that post or leave a comment about what you’re needing. You can also reach out to me on social media or e-mail.