It’s the that time of year. The time when kids want to dress up in costumes and go trick-or-treating. Yet, many of us want our kids to remember their faith during this time of the year. Well, it can be possible for both to happen!!
Below are several links to free (and a couple paid) ideas and printables to do for Halloween or even use during a Fall Fest, Harvest Party, or any activity!!
Coloring Pages
Candy Corn Reminds Us of Jesus Coloring Page and Poster
Let it Shine Coloring Page
Candy Corn Coloring Page
Finding the Truth in Halloween Coloring Booklet
Shine His Light Coloring Page
“Do Not Fear” Coloring Pages
Pumpkin Prayer Craft
Being a Christian is Like Being a Pumpkin Card
Christian Pumpkin Carving for Halloween
The Gospel Pumpkin Printable
Stories, Labels and More
How a Christian is Like a Pumpkin Printable Story
Bible Verse Candy Label Stickers for Halloween
Pumpkin Prayer Sunday School Activity
Christian Halloween Candy Labels
Pumpkin Gospel Halloween Tract
Printable Gospel Tract for Halloween Night
Fear Not! Halloween Sunday School Lesson
Trick or Treat Bible Object Lesson
Christian Halloween Candy Labels
The Pumpkin Prayer Bookmarks and Lesson
Halloween Wall Hanging
Lessons, Units, and Miscel. Printables – Paid
The Pumpkin Prayer Activity Pack by The Treasured Schoolhouse
The Pumpkin Prayer Activity Pack 2 by The Treasured Schoolhouse
The Pumpkin Prayer Coloring Booklets – Christian Halloween by The Treasured Schoolhouse
Halloween Bible Lessons for October, Complete Unit by Julie Faulkner
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The Pumpkin Patch Parable by Liz Curtis Higgs – This charming story for children illustrates how a loving farmer can turn a simple pumpkin into a simply glorious sight. In the same way, God’s transforming love can fill each of our hearts with joy and light.
Pumpkin Patch Blessings by Kim Washburn – Pumpkin Patch Blessings celebrates fall and shows little ones there are blessings all around us, especially in the pumpkin patch!
The Pumpkin Gospel: A Story of a New Start with God by Dr. Mary Manz Simon – This glow-in-the-dark board book can teach your entire family how God changes us into beautiful new creations to shine for Him!
The Legend of Spookley the Square Pumpkin by Joe Troiano – A very unique pumpkin delivers a special message of tolerance and self-acceptance that’s just right for Halloween…and every day of the year.