Hello all! In an effort to help my buyers and followers, I’m doing a temporary update to my Terms of Use (TOU). Please read below for the complete update.
With the current situation of schools being closed and masses, as well as religious education/Sunday School classes being cancelled, I’m opening my TOU to try to help you get the resources to the students. Please note that these are temporary updates and there are stipulations, so please read thoroughly.
Here are the changes to the TOU….
- You may upload resources to a site, BUT it must be secured. That means that parents/students require a password or something similar to access the resources. That way, others can’t do a random Google search and it shows up in the search results for just anyone to download.
- You may use my resources on Google (Drive, Classroom) for access by your students/families. They should be the one ones allowed access and the link shouldn’t be shared with anyone but your own class.
- You may send my resources via e-mail so that your students/families can have access to them.
- You may print off my resources and put in packets to handout to your students/families to work on at home. This should only be done for class.
Here are the Terms for being able to do the above….
- My name/copyright must stay in-tact on each page.
- The resources you purchase are only for your classroom and must not be shared with other teachers/classes. You can purchase additional licenses for a discount price if other teachers are interested in the resource.
- These temporary changed to my TOU are only effective until 30 April. At that time, I will re-access the situation and see how many schools and churches are still closed and/or doing distance learning.
I hope that this is of help to all of you. I know that this is a trying time for all of us. I want to help as much as I possibly can. Additional things that I’m trying to do is update the freebies on my blog and make sure that all the links are working to download. This is quite time consuming and not going as quickly as I want. I’m trying though. Don’t forget that if you sign-up for my newsletter that you also get a password to the resource library for subscribers only. There’s not a lot there, but I do try to reward my followers.
Everyone, please stay safe and healthy. Remember your social distancing. And please, contact me if you have any questions or concerns about my resources or these updated terms.