I have some issues to address with all of you, my readers and users of my printables. In the time that I’ve been in Y!Groups and had a blog, there’s been many changes. As with anything, some changes are good and some aren’t so good. In January of 2010, there were huge changes to the graphics that we were allowed to use on free printables.
There has been more changes, the latest coming from Scrappin’ Doodles. I purchased the license so that I can continue to use their graphics and give the printables away on my blog. I have no problem doing that. I do this to help people that have kids, work with kids, are teachers, grandparents, homeschoolers…..well, just anyone who interacts with kids. I do this because the KIDS benefit.
My biggest problem is that my printables are being “abused”. Below every single post is a brief TOU (terms of use). I also include my full TOU in each printable download. On top of that, I have a tab at the top of the blog with my TOU and Disclaimer. Despite all this, I’m still finding my creations in places that they don’t belong. The main location that I find them is Giga. I have NEVER allowed my printable creations to be on Giga and I stress that.
That is part of my TOU because I don’t know who’s grabbing them from you on Giga and you don’t technically have control of who’s getting them and where they go when someone downloads. I don’t allow ANY uploading to Giga, AIM, 4Shared or any other online file storage/sharing service. The reasons why it’s part of my TOU doesn’t matter. The TOU should be honored no matter what. Just know that it’s in place to protect the artist, the graphics, and myself.
I’m sorry that I have to do this, much less say this, but it has to be done. From now on, if I find my materials in any location that they’re not supposed to be, I’ll find a way to ban that person from downloading my materials and accessing them. By people not honoring TOU, they’re ruining it for others. It’s not only ruining things for you and others, it’s ruining it for the KIDS. The KIDS are what this is all about and by you “abusing” what’s being freely given and shared with you, only the KIDS lose out.
Also, if you find my printable materials used or in any location that they shouldn’t be, please ask that they be removed. If you’re not comfortable doing it yourself, don’t hesitate to let me know and I’ll handle it. There’s no reason to let others lose your change for free printables that are helping your KIDS!!
The final part of business is that if you have a problem with me or the printables that I create, please take it up with me. There’s no need to run to artists, other bloggerss, teachers, or groups. I’m very easy to work with and I’m willing to listen and learn. I’ve been at this a long time, but there’s still mistakes that I make and I feel like we all can learn something new each day. There’s just no need to go behind my back. I have a “contact” button in the right hand column and there’s always leaving a comment. Contact me at any time…..I love feedback!!
Thanks for reading and I hope that we don’t have any more issues with this. My hope is that we don’t lose any more artists or graphics stores. I’d love to be able to keep creating and helping you and especially the KIDS!!

The information that is posted on this blog is general information purposes. It is not intended to substitute for curriculum or for obtaining advice from your principal, church or DRE. It is for informational and educational purposes only. All activities, games, information, etc. on this blog are free; however they are ONLY to be used for classroom and personal use. They may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, distributed in any manner, uploaded to any file sharing service, or sold for profit. If you know someone who would benefit from these materials, please refer them to this blog. Do NOT share the materials that you download with them. Copyright © 2008-2011. All rights reserved, unless otherwise noted.
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