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Gift Card Winner to EduCents

I hope that you all enjoyed your Memorial Day weekend. We were pretty busy. We had some wonderful weather to enjoy while being busy though!!

It’s time to announce the winner for the gift card to EduCents.  I appreciate all who entered.  I really enjoyed reading your comments and I appreciate you all!!  There was 4 entrants, so I had choose the winner.  Entrants were number 1-4 based on when they left a comment, so the first one was number 1 and the last one was number 4.

The winner is….

That means that the winner is SALLIE!!  Congratulations and I’ll send your gift card to you right away!!

Thanks again to everyone who entered and don’t forget that today is the last day of the sale over at EduCents and you can use code SUMMER for an extra 10% off your order, in addition to my store being 20% off.

Have a great week!!




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Let’s Celebrate 50!

Sunday is not only a very special day with Easter, but it’s also my birthday. It’s not just any birthday, it’s the big 5-0!! I want you all to celebrate with me and join in getting some great deals.

I want to celebrate in a BIG way, so I’m offering 15% off in all my shops and stores.  I’m also doing this for more than just a day.  It’s going to be 4 long days!!  You can check out my sales at….

The Treasured Schoolhouse Shop (use coupon code:  birthday50)

The Treasured Schoolhouse Store @ Teaschers Pay Teachers

The Treasured Schoolhouse Shop @ Teachers Notebook

The Treasured Schoolhouse Shop @ TES

The Treasured Schoolhouse @ The Ministry Market

The Treasured Schoolhouse Store @ EduCents

The Treasured Schoolhouse @ Etsy

In addition to the sales, I’m going to be offering some specials, like freebies on Sunday (16 April).  You’ll be able to find out about these if you follow my Facebook page.  I might even throw something on Instagram or Twitter!!

I hope that you enjoy this celebration as much as I plan on it!!  

Have a Happy and Blessed Easter!!




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Need Your Help

Hello all!!
I’m working on updating one of my printables and I could use some input.  I’d appreciate if you’d read through and then vote in the poll to help me out with this.

I have a booklet for the 10 Commandments.  There is a little kids and a big kids version.  In the little kids version, I try to simplify all the Commandments so that they’re easier to understand.  In the big kids version, they’re the actual words of the Commandments.  My problem is with the little kids version.

Since I work with littles (PreK-K), I had to have my DRE double check what I was using in class.  The wording that she let me use for the 6th Commandment is “Do not love another”, which is actually “Thou shalt not commit adultery”.  Obviously I can’t use adultery because the littles don’t understand it and we actually don’t discuss it that much.  It is more along the lines of “you should only love the person that you’re with” (and of course family and friends).  

My issue is that I’ve had a couple complaints about this wording.  I’ve been told that it doesn’t make sense unless it’s fully explained to them (2nd graders) and it’s confusing for children and should be worded differently (grades K-4).  No input on what the other wording could be or how to make it less confusing or how it wouldn’t have to be fully explained.

So, how should I word it??  I can make it “Do not love another than the one you’re with”, but that gets pretty long and awkward looking for text to be colored in by the children.  Please take the poll below to help me with this dilemma.  You can also type in your own choice for wording as well.  Also, feel free to leave a comment on this post with your ideas.

Thanks for reading….and voting in the poll to help me out!!





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Happy April Fools Day!

Are you ready to be fooled by a good joke??  Actually, it’s not a joke and if you take advantage of it, you’re definitely not a fool!!  There’s a fun event going on at Teachers Pay Teachers and it’s no prank.

First, if you click on the image below, you’ll be taken to the printables that I have marked down to $1.04 for this event.  Then, after you check out my store, you can search #FooledYou to find other $1.04 deals.

Next, if you click the image below, you’ll be taken to the printables that I have marked down to $4.01 for this event.  Then, after you check out my store, you can search #AprilFools to find other $4.01 deals.

I hope that you won’t be fooled and grab some of these great deals!!  Happy April Fools Day and Happy Shopping!!




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The Number of Pennies is….

HA!! I’m going to make you wait a minute. I want to thank everyone who participated in this fun little guessing game. I enjoyed seeing the responses here on the blog, Instagram, and my Facebook page.

Now onto the pennies!!  There were 2,773 pennies in the jar.  That makes it $27.73 total, depending on the answer you gave.  Some did a count and some did a dollar amount.  Anyway, the winner is….

Cindy Braswell

Her guess was the closest here on the blog with $25.38 for the value of the pennies.  Congratulations Cindy!!  Please leave a comment for this blog post with the item that you’d like from The Treasured Schoolhouse up to a $5 value.  You can look at the Shop here (use the menu at the top of the blog) or you can check out my TPT store.  Just tell me the name of the printable and be sure to leave your e-mail address so I can send it to you.

Thanks again to everyone who played alone and participated in this little fun post!!


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How Many Pennies?

My daughter has been collecting these pennies for several years. Before we took them to the bank, we counted ALL of them!!


How many pennies are in the jar??

Leave your guess in the comments.  The person that guesses closest from my blog and all my social media will be able to pick any item from any of my stores/shops.  Place your guess by Wednesday, 22 March.


Happy guessing and have fun!!




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Celebrate with Us!

I’m inviting you all to come celebrate with us (my hubby and I)!!

Our anniversary is 17 March, which is also St. Patrick’s Day, so we want you to celebrate with us!!  What better way to celebrate than with a sale??  You can take 10% everything in my stores and shops from 13 March to 18 March.    

The Treasured Schoolhouse Shop (use coupon code LUCKY for 15% off orders of $3 or more and check out the EXCLUSIVE items)

The Treasured Schoolhouse @ TPT

The Treasured Schoolhouse @ Teachers Notebook

The Treasured Schoolhouse @ Educents

Happy Shopping!!




P.S.  If you follow via The Treasured Schoolhouse newsletter, don’t forget to check out the subscriber freebie!!

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Exclusive for Followers

I’m going to be rewarding my newsletter followers with exclusive freebies just for them!! This is something that I’ve wanted to do for awhile and I’ve finally gotten ready to implement it, so I’m really excited to tell you all about how to get exclusive freebies.

The best way to keep up with The Treasured Schoolhouse is to sign-up for the newsletter.  That way, you’ll know every time I post to my blog.  You won’t be spammed or anything else.  You’ll just simply receive an excerpt of the post and you can click on the link to come back to the blog to finish reading it.  Best of all, you only receive the newsletter when I post something….and not for anything else!!

So now onto the exclusive offer for followers of the newsletter.  YAY!!  If you sign-up to receive the newsletter to The Treasured Schoolhouse, you’ll receive a password the next time I post to a freebie.  To access the freebie, you’ll be able to click on the link in the newsletter or you can come here to the blog and click on the “For Subscribers” tab.  You’ll have to input the password, which will give you access to any freebies that are on the page.  Sometimes they will be forever free and sometimes they’ll be free for a certain amount of time.  

My goal is to offer a new freebie at least once a month.  I can’t promise that though, so we’re going to say a new one will be posted as often as possible.  I don’t want to disappoint anyone or break a promise, so for now,  that’s what we’re going with!!  You never know though, so you’ll want to check back, as there won’t be a notice when a new freebie is listed.  I plan on having the freebies that I list be both Christian and educational so that I can cover both of my types of followers.

Also, the password will change often, so you’ll want to check with the newsletter to make sure you have the newest password.  You don’t want to lose access to the “For Subscribers” page to grab the freebies!!

If this sounds good to you, please just sign-up to receive the newsletter.  If you don’t already subscribe, you can enter your information on the sign-up form over in the right hand column of this blog.  If you already do subscribe, then the password will be included in the next newsletter!!




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Objects in Church and for Mass

This week, we worked on what’s inside the church. Next week, we’ll go tour the church and Father will have items for mass set-up for the kids. This all leads up to the week after when we attend mass for Ash Wednesday. I do lots of prep because of many of the kids, this is the first or only time attending mass, especially for the little ones.

I start by talking about the things that they can see outside and as they walk into the church. This is a great book for discussing the different objects in church….

I then discuss several objects with them.  We do a fun activity of matching items that we’d see in church or not see in church.  Sometimes they circle the items or color the items that they see in church.  This time, we drew a line from the object to the church.

You could also simply place an “X” through items not found in church.

Next, we work on tracing the names of some of the objects in church.

Finally, we do a cut and paste activity. I had them color the church and then they were told to color the objects that they would find in the church. We should have cut them out and then glued them onto the church, but we ran out of time!!









You can find the pages that we worked on in the What’s Inside the Church Worksheet Pack in my shop.

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You can also see my new expanded pack, What’s Inside the Church 2 Worksheet & More Pack for older kids to learn about the objects in church and used during mass and it’s exclusive to my shop.  

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If you use coupon code CHURCH, you can take 25% off those 2 printables!







NOTE:  This post contains affiliate links and if you click on any of them and make a purchase, I will make a small commission.

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What Would You Like to See?

Hello all!!

I know that I’m not good about keeping up with this blog. It bothers me, but sometimes life gets busy and this is the one thing that I tend to let go to make room for other things. However, I know that some of you are true and loyal and deserved more. One of the things that I’d like to do is start blogging more. I’m not saying all the time, but I’d like to do at least one post a week.

How does that sound to all of you??

What I need to know is what you’d like to see on The Treasured Schoolhouse. Please be honest because I can’t give you what you want or need if I don’t know. Please take the poll below….

Please feel to add other ideas and be sure to leave a comment if you have other options or ideas.  Remember, you vote matters, so let me know!!






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Best of 2016

I want to thank ALL of you for all your support during 2016. I couldn’t do what I do or do what I love if it wasn’t for you. It doesn’t matter if you just follow along on my blog or your purchase from The Treasured Schoolhouse, I’m here all because of each of you!!

As a “thank you”, I’m placing my TOP 10 items on sale for 20% off.  This sale will run from 28 to 30 December.  In addition, you can search #bestof2016sale on TPT.  The TOP 5 at The Treasured Schoolhouse are….

  1.   This is a set of cut and paste worksheets to place the 10 Commandments in order for big and little kids and it comes in a color and black & white version.  This is the Catholic version.  The wording for the littles is easy to understand for them and for the big kids, it comes right from the Bible!!
  2.   This is a set of coloring booklets for little and big kids.  This is the Catholic version.  The ones for the little ones are in easy to understand words, while the ones for the big kids are worded from the Bible.
  3.   On the list at number 3 is an Advent Activity Pack for Early Learners.  This pack has lots of things for the kids to do to learn and review Advent.  It can be used all through the Advent season.  It was created in 2014 and expanded with even more activities in 2015.
  4.   This pack focuses on things found in the Catholic church, but could be used for other faiths.  It’s good for a variety of ages/grades for the most common things found in church during mass.
  5.   This prayer pack is for the Apostles’ Creed and contains many activities for this Catholic prayer.  Some of the pages included are copywork sheets, posters, a coloring page, and more!!  The poster comes in a color and black & white version.

I hope you’ll check out this sale and enjoy the items that you helped make my TOP 10!!  Please, just click here to be taken to The Treasured Schoolhouse.  You can also click on each of the TOP 5 resources to be taken to its page.

Happy Shopping!!





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A Christmas Gift

It’s almost Christmas and I wanted to share a Christmas gift with you.

Christmas decorated tree with candles and presents

This is a set of alphabet matching 2-part cards using a Christmas present.  The uppercase letter on the left half of the gift card is matched to the lower case letter on the right half of the gift card.  They’re perfect for homeschool, centers, or however you may want to use them.

image not found icon

If you’re interested in this set of Christmas Gift Alphabet 2-Part Matching Cards, just click to….


download PDF button



