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I Am Wonderfully Made

We just finished up our creation unit. I start them out with the days of creation and the next week, we go into how God made man and then rested. The following week, we do an “I am special” to go with God made me.

i am wonderfully made text

This year I’m used something that was new for me. I related it to Psalm 139:14, which states I am wonderfully made. This was so much fun and I loved having a verse that went along with the lesson. Here’s what we did….

We started by making our hand prints. I don’t know if they had more fun putting paint all over the hand or sprinkling glitter all over the hand print!

handprints made with paint - class sample photo

After they dried, we colored the frames around them and sent them home to share with their parents.

Next, we did a little writing practice by doing a tracing page.  I read the Psalm to them as they traced the words.

Psalm 139:14 tracing page - class sample photo

Again, I read the entire Psalm to them, then I read it sentence by sentence and they filled in the missing words.

Psalm 139:14 fill in the blank - class sample photo

With that hard part done, we moved onto the easiest part and that was the coloring page.

coloring page for Psalm 139:14 - class sample photo

I have to say that the kids really enjoyed all the activities.  I’m so glad that I went this direction this year and I might just do it from now on!  If you’re interest in this activity pack, please check it out here or “add to cart” here….

[add_to_cart id=”4368″]






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God Made Me….

Last week, my class and my daughter’s class worked on a lesson for creation.  She did a cut and paste worksheet that I made.  Here are some pictures of her kids working on the page and enjoying it!



Cut and Paste….

All done!


It is read like God gave me ears to listen to his creation and God gave me a heart to love his creation.  So this page covers the 5 senses as used in creation and makes learning about it fun!

If you’re interested in this cut and paste worksheet, that also include the answer key, you can get it by signing up for my newsletter.  It’s an exclusive for subscribers and you’ll receive the password to enter the “For Subscribers” page with your first newsletter.




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I Am Special Activity

Last year, I did a really fun activity with my kids. They loved it then and they really loved it again this year. So, I just had to share!!


In the big open space, they draw a picture of themselves. They need to see what makes them special like the color of their hair, skin, eyes, and so on. Of course, they’re little ones, so they’re far from perfect, but they sure are fun!!

There’s also an area to put stickers down with their name on them or glue letters down. There’s also a blank line for them to write their names. On the side, there’s a cute poem about being unique. Finally, on the side, they can also put their fingerprint under the magnifying glass. Why??  Because each of us has a fingerprint that is unique to only us!!  To do this part, we just used an ink pad.

If you’re interested in this activity page, just click to….

animated download button


Here are some photos my kids in action with this page this year.  You’ll notice that I forgot my stickers at home, so we made due and used letter beads!!

image not found icon


If you use this page, please leave a comment and let me know if your kids enjoyed it as much as mine did!!